What is poetry? For real? What the fuck is it? Is it rhyming? God I hope not. Is it alliteration? Free verse? Is there a format one must follow in order to call themselves a poet? If so, the we better come up with different terminology, cause I for one need a title, and as so many feel the need to point out, I’m not a poet. I read some kids quest at popularity today, where he called the people on this site untalented. I disagree whole heartedly. I think that there is enough talent on this site to make what we do mainstream again. Back in the day it was “hip” to write poetry, now it’s considered angst, or “emo”. I honestly think some of the words within these computerized walls hold so much more weight than they are given credit for. If you’re new to the site, I hope this shit reaches you. I know that invitations to join the writers cafĂ© are handed out as if they were candy, meant to be consumed in a fun manner. I know that the more members, the more lucrative, I get it. Everything’s about the almighty dollar, this is no different. But even if you were brought here under false pretenses and grand illusions, take a minute and look around. Starting at my top ten and filtering down into my friends list, FUCKIN A, these kids can write. Even Lyttleton, whose relationship with me has morphed into a manly nod at the end of a work day is publishable right now, no editing, no bullshit…just fucking good. Kelly Dafni, Ilene, William, I could go on…and those of you who know me, know that. On the knowing me note though, I will say this. I have been known to say what others are thinking, so here it goes. There are some of us on this site who are writing because we want to make a career out of it. Then there are the kids who are scribbling in their online diaries. Both are vital to the writing community, but do I really have to listen to them critique my shit as if they were college professors? Then they claim, “Well I have been published, have you?” Damn right I’ve been published, do I go flaunting it in others faces? No, because there no fucking point. If I was that good, I wouldn’t be here, and neither would you. We should all sit back and examine why on earth we spend so much time here. How many of you have people in your lives who want to know why they share you with a website? Let’s give them an answer, we have to do something with this, or what’s the point? There are enough good writers on here to make fucking history. You know I met Hedra Helix ( Ivy ) at her house about a month ago, we talked, and we whined, and we smoked some serious pot. But in the end, I left there knowing only one thing to be absolutely true… I was not alone, and I was not fucking crazy. I know so many of you now, and I actually consider a lot of you “real” friends. I genuinely hope for the best for all of you. You kids who are coming up, who have talent, and know how to make your words speak for you. I want to know you. But you idiots who come on here and think that you are God’s gift to the literary world, Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. You are no better than any of us. I am no better than any of us. We are all in the same sinking ship; it’s time to concentrate on bailing out the water, and sailing into that fucking sunset. I know I have rambled like a mother fucker, but some Jim Henson reject really just pissed me off today. I have been coming on here less and less, because every time I do, there’s new drama about old topics. I am trying my best to get Charlie on board, we’ll see how that goes. I want to do something with all of this, it seems such a travesty not to. To all of my friends on here, right on, you guys are good PEOPLE, let alone good writers. To my BAPTS homies, you guys are actually interested in bettering yourselves; I applaud the energy and talent we are creating. To all the new kids who are on here for all the right reasons, welcome to the WC, check your egos at the door. To all you fucking idiots….. Bite me, and be gone..
P.S : By the way, since i logged on just twenty minutes ago, i've been called a douchebag, untalented, and a guy actually told me I was a faggot, and he was going to kill me...lmao, but yet i will log on tomm... go figure..
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