shouldn’t probably be reading this if you don’t have an all-consuming penis
dangling between your legs. Because only if you have one of those can you
understand the concept of what it is to be a man; only then will you be capable
of realizing why a man has been established, historically, as the head of every
family; only then will you be bestowed with the sense to fully fathom the
concept of honor and its extreme significance in the life of a man; then, and
only then, will you be able to comprehend why, in order to save the honor of a
family or a tribe or a caste, we men are willing to go to the strenuous lengths
of stabbing a woman forty six times or shooting her twice in the head.
It’s tough living around women,
whether they are mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, nieces, girlfriends, or
wives. And I’m not talking about constantly having to worry about the toilet
seats; I’m talking about how these women assume that they can just go ahead and
think on their own and do stuff that they like without considering the
ramifications their actions would have on their families, especially the men in
their families. I blame it on the immoral culture of today’s world where
certain miscreants are trying to spread a propaganda stating that women are actually
equal to men. That’s just stupid.
Pakistan seems to be harboring a lot
of these audacious women who think, ludicrous as it may sound, that they can
just act on their own will. I know, it shocks me as well. There was one case
where a woman’s audacity transcended boundaries of consciousness to bring shame
upon her husband and her family. Her husband had a dream in which she was
having an affair with a strange man who was half robot half accountant.
Clearly, his wife was cheating on him with some mutated creature from the
future. The husband immediately dressed up, left the brothel and headed back
home to his infidel wife. Since he didn’t want to wake up his wife who went to
bed on an empty stomach after she had waited till late night for her husband to
arrive, he decided that it would be appropriate if he just poured some kerosene
on her and set her ablaze. After she was charred to death, my fellow man was
able to breathe a sigh of relief. His honor had been restored.
Another major problem is the whores
found all over the world including India who think they have the right to feel
attracted towards a man of their choice, and even go on and marry him. Marrying
a person who is not the smelly old guy, who has already been “married” five to
seven times, that her family chooses for her? Can you believe the nerve of that
slut? How hard is it for her to understand that her life is not hers to be
lived? Traditionally, in such cases a family’s honor is rehabilitated by
hurling some acid on the girl’s face, disfiguring her for life so she’ll be
reminded of the ugly whore that she is. But if the bitch goes over the line and
has sex, or gets alleged of having had sex, before she gets married to the man
of her family’s choice then she would have to be either stabbed in her throat
till she can’t spit any more blood or shot in the back of her head in front of
her entire community. At least then they ought to learn that there is no
greater shame than a broken hymen. Besides, such shame associated with a family
will make it much harder for the men in the family to get into the pants of
other virgin girls.
There’s yet another type who brings
shame to her family, and these bitches are probably the most irresponsible ones
of the lot. I’m talking about those shameless sluts who let themselves get
raped by decent god-fearing men. You would think that the least these tramps
could do to not shame their families is avoid getting raped, but, no, they just
walk around tempting good men with their tits and their asses and they get
raped. Any community that would be willing to not reward such careless behavior
with a blade through the rape victim’s neck or kicks to her face and crotch
till she bleeds to death is, I’m sorry to say, uncouth and uncultured.
Maybe it’s fine for the morally scanty
women in America to go around shaming their families as they please by doing
what they want with their lives but at least in India we have to do whatever we
can to protect the honor of men and to preserve our rich cultural heritage of
being assholes to the women around us. And, so, the next time you notice that a
woman- be it your mother who has raised you with all her love and strength or
your sister who would do anything to protect you or your wife who yearns for
your love every second- does something that she wishes to do, you don’t even
need to think twice before capping that bitch. And since in India we are all
brothers and sisters we men have the inherent right to kill any woman- that means
I can shoot your mother- in order to protect our honor and then term it an
‘honor killing’. Reputation, not relationship, is what matters to us men the
most. Women just need to accept the truth that we men are the ones who
keep the sanity and morality of this world in tact. And if we weren’t special
then God wouldn’t have given us the uniquely remarkable ability to pee standing