Friday, November 29, 2013

L(if?)e: Old Journal Entry

During the 19 years of my life, I've seen my fair share of crap, tried my share of crap, gotten addicted to my share of crap, two of which still remain burdens albeit those two burdens being something I can never see myself without. I smoke and drink. That's it. Beyond addictive burdens, the social anxiety and mental depravation and misanthropy are probably also somewhat noteworthy. But not to any large extent. They just help make me who I am, they allow me to function.

The only problem I have with the world, is the in grown hypocrisy. People call me a cynic, I call it realistic and honest. Things that people don't value at all as much as they say they do. Far from it, they avoid these things whenever possible. But even so, I understand why. The world is a shitty place, and I would trade away all my knowledge and experiences for blissful ignorance any day of the fucking week. But people shouldn't say one thing if they really mean the other. That's my problem with people, they say something without thinking about it. Without having experienced the opposites. I've been there, I've been everywhere. I tread the path of adventure, and the path was paved with gold, and every little detour was filled with joyous surprises.

But then you get to the end, and the fates reveal your truth. One truth. The one truth. Your path is paved with five layers of the dead. Ragged flesh and blood-stained bones. Forever stepping on those who sacrificed their lives to make yours possible. And far into the horizon, you can see your goal, your final destination. And the path is far from finished. Can you make the sacrifice to see the end of your road, and can you live with it? It's a grim, yet oddly cathartic realization of how life works. Everyone else is a stepping stone. Build your own road, or become part of someone else’s. It's up to you.

It's a crazy world. And I'm proud to be part of it.

Strange memories on this nervous night. Strange dreams, strange aspirations. Strange hopes. Stray hopes. My life eludes even me, I can't believe I'm still here. And that I am not completely alone anymore, as I was just 3 short years ago. From the age of 9 to 16. Completely in voluntary isolation, because the world sucked, and they did not deserve my company. And because I didn't deserve theirs. At all. It really was a double-edged sword, to use a tired cliché.

I took up smoking when I was 9, at school. At least I could be immediately adjacent to someone during the breaks, and be a continuous victim of mooching, since I was desperate for human contact, and everybody knew that. It cost me a pretty penny, and my parents too. Smoking doesn't come cheap at age 9, and when you give away 90% of your smokes, that doesn't help. So I stole. Nothing big, just from my parents' wallets and the occasional shoplifting. Not enough to get me in real trouble. After all, I was only 9. I didn't know what I was doing.

I took up drinking when I was 12. Got some really bad moonshine off a guy that was desperate to sell it, because it was unfiltered, and 12 year olds just looking for a buzz are easy targets, they usually have no contacts. So I got it, for a price that could feed a Romanian village for a fucking week, and went into the nearest forest all by myself one night when the stars shone bright above, and the temperature was tropical, and got absolutely tanked on a bit over a pint of around 93% pure ethanol. For a twelve year old that's about enough to require getting pumped. I also got unbelievably sick, because as said earlier it hadn't been coal-filtered.

My late teens before moving away to go to "high school" (I can't find a more suitable word) was unfortunately well timed with a wave of mild, pseudo-heavy and heavy drugs that flowed into our tiny tiny community. By age 15 I had experienced sex, crappy 5 minutes in a bathroom somewhere with the village skank, I had tried marijuana, hashish, shrooms, mescalin, opium, cocaine, ether (easy to attain at your science class we learned), PCP, LSD, ecstacy and a multitude of other rave-associated substances which is odd taking into account the size of the town I grew up in and the fact that we never had any raves. I sniffed a small amount of glue when supply fell short of something else, also sniffed baking grease which worked surprisingly well. And then I got to try the killer; heroin.

You will never guess what substance is actually the worst to be on of all the above ever, unless you yourself have some experience in being caught in a web of drug addiction hell. And I won't tell you.

So there I was, completely alone and constantly high on something that had a literally corrosive effect on my brain, but I still functioned relatively well in school, graduated from compulsory school with a grade point average of 5.1 out of 6. I just didn't deal well with people. By this time at least, I had gotten out of the destructive drug abuse, save for 2 which I have already mentioned. Alcohol and cigarettes. And I'll probably carry those 2 with me to my grave by choice. So then it was off to "high school", with a bunch of other 16 year olds that were all complete strangers to me. I was the only one in my new high school class that was from the place I was from. It suited me just fine, although I was of course nervous, it gave me some peace of mind that these new classmates would probably stick to their own already well-established social conglomerates, and not pester me for anything. Until one of the guys started talking about needing some booze for the weekend.

"Shit, a possibility to make money" I thought. "I can't let this pass, I'm fucking starving."

So I just turned to the guy and asked him with a certain degree of subtlety and a genuinely serious look on my face; "How much do you need?" To which he replied "2 litres if you can spare it." At all times I would have 50-70 litres stockpiled somewhere, so yeah I could spare it, of course I didn't say that in fear of surrounding ears that could listen in to our little barter. We agreed upon a price, and a place to make the trade. And by agreed upon a price, I mean I said it would cost him $30 a litre, and he gave me a disgruntled "fine". I knew he would. He had said himself he was desperate, I could risk overpricing it when I knew he was desperate.

Then after 3 weeks, I'm the dealer of ethanol for the whole fucking school. I made shitloads of money, and suddenly all these people want to "hang" with me, no doubt for their own phiscal and/or social benefit. After a while, I started exaggerating on the drinks on school nights, or spending too much time at the local internet caf, and I ended up being absent for 72 days of a total 180. I was of the belief that if I didn't show up and the beginning of the day, there was no point showing at all. Mostly because I would be hung over the entire day anyway, and not just the beginning. But atleast when I did show up, I was still pretty apt at schoolwork, so I miraculously passed most of my classes, save for math and German. And even those were just based on absense not actual academic performance.

What also happened after 3 weeks, was I got a call from my sister. Just a short while before that, I had gotten a drivers license to drive a 125cc light motorcycle, and my father had loaned me the money to purchase a Honda-ish thing that looked like a Harley. Actually, it had a bigger gas tank than most Harleys do, at 13.5 litre capacity. Anyway, she called me, she was crying, she told me her fiancee's brother had just raped her. I didn't even let her finish talking, I just asked her where the bastard was living, and I was off. She lived 800 miles from where I did, I covered that distance on my pathetic 125cc in 4-5 hours I imagine. I met up with my sister and her fiancee, her fiancee told me where the sack of flesh lived, and we were off in his car.

The next 5 hours are all blurry. We spent alot of effort keeping him alive, I remember that. Death was too good for him. I consider myself a relatively respectable citizen. Misanthropic and sociopathic and a multiple felon perhaps, but certainly not dangerous. So when I came to, and what I see is a man drowning in a pool of his own blood and vomit, his akilles sinews severd, nipples snippet off, ear lobes missing, holes poked into his abdomen avoiding vitals, I was shocked, and I threw up at the sight of it. Never before, and never after that, have I totally snapped like that. Ever. And I still carry this huge sense of guilt because of it. And I always will. Not because of what I did to that guy specifically, fuck no I hope he contracts every venerial disease on the planet and survives them, and becomes a walking cancer that plagues the earth, living each day until his life is claimed by old age and heart attack in excrutiating sexually deprived agony. It was just the simple fact that I, of all people, snapped. I had after all kept my emotions under lock and keep for 7 grueling years.

So that was something I carried to the end of my Cambridge year, which marked the end of school for me for a year, which I spent "maturing". Unfortunately, this period was spent at home in the town I grew up in, which was just one great big hole of bad memories for me, so I locked myself into my room and went online for about 8 months. I still blame my parents for that one, they should have known better. They never did take the time to actually find out about what I was doing when I was 12-15. They never got to know me.

Euphoric asocial misanthropia. In my own way I was content with my isolation. I hated them, all the other humans out there. They were capable of all kinds of crap, like raping innocent girls. Or suddenly losing control and maim someone, not taking their life, but making the rest of their life worthless. And I hated myself for having the same potential. For being the same as them. I had already proven I was not worthy to socialize with others, and the others could not be trusted anyway. In a way I was better off alone. But it really is depressing to not see, hear or touch another human being for 8 months, actually I had gone the entirety of my puberty not ever touching a girl. Sometimes I think the only reason I didn't suddenly flip and become a rapist myself was because of that incident with my sister. Nothing in the world is lower. But you need one to strike close to home before you actually realize that. Call me a cynic if you must, it's how it works.

So after a year, I figured I was ready for another go at school. Boy was I wrong, fortunately I realized it before it was too late and dropped out in time to meet the dead line so I didn't have to repay the scholarship all boarding school students studying away from home are given. But that meant another 8 months of isolation, with the internet as my only companion. Then I get a call from a girl that was in my class. One of those that you secretly stare at all the time, but never ever dare to ask out because she's way out of your league. Well, in my case the only thing that stopped me was the feeling of inferiority in general. I'm pretty arrogant, but I never felt like forcing all my burdens onto others so a relationship to me was pretty much out of the question. But I had secretly been staring at her, dreaming for 3 years. She calls me, and asks if I want to come back to the city for the old class' graduation party. I had misgivings, but finally I came to the conclusion that fuck it, it's a chance to get good and hammered. The town I lived in was all dried up anyway.

I get there, to the party she's invited me to, thinking there would be all my class mates. Turns out it's a girls party, me and 7 other chicks with the ugly friend everyone keeps talking about no where to be seen. Needless to say I feel uneasy. So I start to get drunk, she starts to get drunk, she drags me into a corner and sticks her tongue down my throat. Then she starts talking.

"I've been secretly staring at you for the past 3 years."

Immediately I think hey, that's my line. Then I start thinking about what she just said, and I refuse to believe it. Is this where I get to have sex for the first time in 5 years? With this, the hottest chick in my entire school? No fucking way. Later when the rest of the girls have left to go club-hopping, it turns out yes fucking way. Literally. So we saw each other for about 2 weeks, she talked alot about her ex and how much she hated him, they had been going steady for 2.5 years. She actually hadn't been around that much. Then I decide she deserves to know my past, only if she can accept what I am can this really happen. So I tell her. Bad fucking move. She freezes up, and I start to cry and go downstairs and chainsmoke 12 cigarettes. She comes down and asks if I won't come back to bed. Maybe she's come to terms with it, I think to myself hopefully. No such luck, it was just to ease her conscience so I wouldn't stay up all night and be a wreck the next day when she drives me home, smiling, lets me off at my place gives me a smiling kiss good bye and tells me over short message service later that we can't see each other any more on account that I'm too depressive.

I feel like I'm holding a pair of aces and a pair of eights. Just waiting for that bullet. Hoping for it. Now I don't even count those 2 weeks into any equation. It never happened, and she almost smothered any hopes I had for my life. One man and one man alone is responsible for my continued existance. And later on, one girl.

Now I'm in my late 20’s, things are starting to go my way. Finally things are going my way. I'm on my way to become a licensed house-builder, I have 2-3 people I can call friends, and 1 I can call a true good friend, and 1 very special girl (my Precious, I LOVE HER) I would take a bullet just to spend time with. I've got everything I need right now, and I like it. I know it'll end, but that just makes me appreciate it more. The path I made, the road I built, is starting to pay off. And even if it's the death of me or anyone else, I will see it finished.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Secular War

We Hindus have taken a lot of shit from all the non-Hindus residing in our country. They have taken our jobs, our land, our women, our wealth, and even a few rolls of our toilet paper. We made an attempt to stick to the honorable technique of preaching non-violence and then murdering them- they responded with the same. We demolished their churches and mosques and covered it up saying that Parvati Melton’s boobs crashed into them- they didn’t buy that. We sent anthrax-infected deer as part of a bio-warfare scheme to kill the Indian Muslims- but Salman Khan shot all of them dead. Finally, we genetically engineered a battalion of stand-alone monster cocks, in our laboratory in Los Angeles, to attack the Indian Christians but they were intercepted by a hungry Britney Spears after her MTV VMA performance. And just when we were about to announce a truce, the anti-Hindu Government goes ahead and does something so insulting and offensive as suggesting that the Lord Rama didn’t even exist; they want to demolish the Rama Setu, the bridge that Lord Rama built thousands of years ago so that they can build a shitty canal for the economic growth of India. Now, it’s war.

               Thankfully, the official spokes-group for Hindus, the BJP, has taken matters into their own hands. That is after all what Lord Krishna said to Arjun in the Bhagwad Gita: “Ahead of you lies a pool of shit, trust the BJP to push you into it.” Apparently, Lord Krishna rhymed. Urged by the BJP, Hindus from all across India march through the streets protesting against this overt lack of respect for Hindu beliefs by the Congress Government. Interestingly, they are met halfway by a vociferous group of Muslims.
Hindus: This is Hindustan. ‘Hindu’-stan. Figure it out. If you think that you can hurt our religious sentiments and still keep all your internal organs in tact, you better get a new doctor.
Muslims: When are your religious sentiments ever unhurt? Let a lady enter a temple, you go berserk. Give birth to a female child, you flip out. Draw nude paintings, and your whole world is on fire. You people should learn to not be so touchy.
Hindus: Ha, look who’s talking! Strike out all the days in a calendar when you Muslims haven’t issued a fatwa against some loser or the other, and you couldn’t even make a week.
Muslims: That’s different. Those shitheads insulted our holy Prophet. That’s blasphemy of a different kind.
Hindus: Well, our Lord Rama has been insulted and to us, that’s the biggest blasphemy possible. He is the Hindu religion’s highest power.
Muslims: Oh, ok. So does that mean it’s alright to mock Krishna?
Hindus: No, he’s up there with Rama too.
Muslims: So, mocking Vishnu is fine, right?
Hindus: Umm…not really. The three of them are like a team.
Muslims: Then Siva, Ganesha, Durga, Laksmi, Hanuman, Saraswathy, and the others are open for criticism?
Hindus: Look, you bearded wise-cracks, all our three billion, five thousand, six hundred and twenty seven gods and goddesses are important. Neither can you say anything about them nor can you even slightly imply that they are just figments of imagination that popped out of some guy who was really, really stoned.
Muslims: But seriously, how can anyone refrain from making a comment when they see thousands of people queuing to get blessings from the idol of an obese elephant sitting on a rat?
Hindus: In the same way you refrain from making comments on someone who gets so delusional walking through the desert that he claims to have talked to God; in the very same way you do not make comments on how this certain God’s messenger deemed it alright for old, paunchy guys to have sex with girls who were seven or eight years old; in the same manner you back out of criticizing this messenger’s claim that God wants every man to marry and impregnate more than a dozen women like they were tube socks.
Muslims: We have no idea who you’re talking about.
Hindus: Just what the hell are you doing stopping us anyway? The Ram Setu issue has got nothing to do with you. So why don’t you just buzz off? Isn’t it time for you fellas to go have your seventeenth prayer of the day?
Muslims: Well, we thought you’d never ask. You see, this bridge that you so conveniently designated Rama’s Bridge is in fact the creation of our Prophet Muhammad. He built it with his own hands so that he could go talk to God who was standing on the other end.
Hindus (mocking): Oh, that’s about the funniest thing we’ve heard in a long time. Your Prophet built this entire bridge all by himself? Ha, that’s rich! That’s so far removed from reality.
Muslims: Oh, yeah, how do you claim your Lord Rama built it?
Hindus: Lord Rama got the help of his army of talking monkeys to help him build the bridge.
Muslims (sarcastically): Why, what happened? The steroid guzzling hawk was on strike?
Hindus: Well, for your information, Lord Garuda was injured trying to stop Ravana’s flying chariot.
Muslims: Damn, who directed your religion? Michael Bay?
Hindus: Who designed your costumes? Stevie Wonder?
Muslims (angry): Do not mock our traditions, infidels!
Hindus: Hey, calm down. Why are you guys always so pissed off? Is it because all of you were circumcised when you were kids? We agree, that’s got to sting. In fact, there’s every chance that Osama would not have turned into a terrorist if he still had his foreskin. Messing with a man’s penis can really piss him off for life.
Muslims (offended): It helps us last longer!
Hindus: Then why didn’t you just slice the whole thing off? You could have kept going all night long.                                                                                                                                (Before the angry horde of Muslims can respond a large throng of Christians arrive. The Christians have condescending smiles on their faces as they shift their glances between the Muslims and the Hindus)
Christians: Praise the Lord! How are you Ramaholics and Muhammadophiles?
Hindus and Muslims (in unison): It’s Hindus and Muslims.
Christians: Sure, sure, Praise the Lord!
Muslims: Why don’t you take your cross-bearing asses back home and praise the lord? What the heck are you doing here?
Christians: We’re here to inform you barbarians that you are arguing over a moot point. The bridge in question isn’t Rama’s Bridge nor is it Allah’s Bridge or Muhammad’s Bridge. It’s in fact, Christ’s Bridge.
Hindus and Muslims (taken aback): Jesus Christ!
Christians: That’s right. The same guy. If you verify the facts you’ll see that Jesus was in fact a carpenter. And if anyone was skilled enough to build that bridge it was Jesus. Not Rama and the monkeys, not Muhammad and the camels.
Hindus: Carpenters don’t build bridges. Architects do.
Christians: Jesus graduated a part-time course in Architecture as well. The only thing you heathens need to know is that the issue is now ours. You guys can just pack up and go home. The matter of Christ’s Bridge will be dealt with by Christians.
Muslims: Who do you think you’re talking to? You think we’ll just buy into whatever you’re saying? You think we’re as gullible as your GOD TV audience? Your Jesus couldn’t even carry a cross for a few miles and you’re telling us that he built this entire bridge by himself. Let’s face the facts, maybe he spoke persuasively but he wasn’t cut out for physical work.
Hindus: Both of you should just leave when you can. This is a matter between the Hindus and the Government. They expect to get away with saying that Lord Rama didn’t build the bridge. What are they going to say next? That his skin was not actually blue? So, leave us alone, it’s a Hindu issue. Christians and Muslims should just scram the scene.
Muslims: You would love to play the victims, wouldn’t you? Well, guess what? It’s Muhammad’s Bridge and it’s our sentiments that are hurt. We are the ones against the demolition of that long pile of rocks.
Christians: If anyone’s a victim, it’s us. You Hindus and Muslims have been hogging the spotlight for years with all your communal riots and shit. This is our time. We are the victims. We deserve all the attention.
Hindus: No, we deserve all the attention.
Muslims: No, we do.
(Suddenly, a fourth group arrives. The group has a number of bald, half-naked monks with plastered smiles on all the faces)
Hindus, Muslims and Christians: And who the hell you are you baldies?
Baldies: We’re the Buddhists. We have come here to ask you to not resort to violence.
Hindus: You have no business here, monkeys…or monks or whatever you people are.
Buddhists: Buddha says nobody really has any business anywhere. Just love each other.
Muslims: Seriously, you fellows need to take it elsewhere. We’re having a serious discussion here.
Buddhists: Buddha says nothing in the world is really serious. Just love each other.
Christians: If you’ve come to claim the bridge you better wait in line, eggheads.
Buddhists: Buddha says that the bridge isn’t real. Nor are eggs real. Or heads. Let’s all just love each other.
(The Hindus, Muslims, and Christians look at each other, nod in agreement and simultaneously launch an all out attack on the Buddhists. The Buddhists are battered to pulp within a matter of minutes. The bloodlust of the other three groups simmer down. They sneer at the Buddhist carnage before them)
Hindus: They’re so gay.
Muslims: Total fudge-packers.
Christians: They put the homo in Homo sapiens. Praise the Lord!
(The three groups hold hands, walk away into the sunset, world peace and harmony ahead of them and a bloody pile of fucked up monks behind them)