Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Justice and Life

What is the value of a single human life
in a judge’s sentence of a serial killer?

How many days do you subtract from
the life expectancy of the murderer
to pay for the extinction of his victims?

How many days per body do you estimate
before the killer should be eligible
for a parole hearing? Should he be eligible?

What is a parole hearing in aid of
that would justify consideration
of such an unholy candidate?

What’s the release date? How long does a killer keep
in a can? How do you refrigerate evil
when you can’t define or contain the germ?

What’s a bad person got that isn’t a disease?
Should it be quarantined? Can it be caught?

If it’s not a disease and the killer
is most at ease and organized and deliberate
in his acts, is not sick or deranged -
at least not in any accepted way
that could be called mental illness
and eliminate rational behaviour, will, and choice;

he is not neurotic or psychotic;
he is psychopathic ...
(Subtract empathy, add caution.);

he doesn’t want to be caught
so he’s got a kit and a script
(Add deliberation, malice aforethought.);

he is dangerous and devious,
deliberately deceitful and adept;

he has programmed himself
to various pseudo- and paraphylia;

cares not a jot for the lot of others,
only in how a body can be used and abused:

how long and at what temperature
and under what conditions do you
quarantine such a creature?

Bend or break, the body is expendable,
something to use up in a burning bush of malevolent
neural delight, whenever, however he likes.

What does sequential sentencing mean then?
What is your duty? How serve and protect ... ?

The guy would make lousy fertilizer!
What would grow then?

1 comment:

  1. The way darkness grows...and I always find ways for the hunt of the soul...
    this post resembles the same feeling...

    heart throbbing :)
